Edward street | brighton | bn2 0JR
We welcome all friends old and new to our lovely church. We are currently holding our Sunday service in our large main hall and our Monday & Wednesday demonstrations are in the small hall. We really look forward to seeing you and feel sure you will enjoy your time in our church with us where a warm welcome awaits you. We are pleased to announce that our disabled access and facilities are now complete. Please let us know you are coming and we can then direct you to the side gate and welcome and help you in.
We have a public service on Sundays at 11 am and demonstrations of mediumship on Mondays at 3 pm and on Wednesdays at 7.30 pm. Also Saturday Specials once a month as advertised on the programme page.
We have healing on
Sundays at 12 - 1 pm (After the Sunday morning service)
ALSO Brotherhood Gate Church in St. James's Street have a healing session on
Tuesdays 2pm - 4pm ( last patient seen at 3.45pm)
Also at 7.00 pm every Friday we have an Open Circle in the church for those that wish to learn more about Spiritualism and to explore your own Mediumystic potential .
Should you like to know more about this group please contact Maz on 07904 379294
We also have an awareness group that meets every Friday on the Zoom platform online for those that are unable to get to church for one reason or another. The details for logging into that are - code 85394882214 (no password).
We have private sittings on the first Saturday of every month between 10 am and 1 pm (last sitting is 12.40) no need to book just pop in between these time to have a private reading. We also hold occasional workshops throughout the year as well. We are always busy with something at Edward Street, whether you are interested in a private sitting, healing, workshops, demonstrations or a service.
Please pay us a visit, we would love to see you and to welcome you into our beautiful church.

Brighton and Hove National Spiritualist Church
is affiliated to the Spiritualists' National Union.
Charity Registration number 1164205